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Cinnamon Thyme Roasted Garlic With Olive Oil

6 Mins read
garlic oil treatment

Are you looking to add a burst of flavour to your dishes? Look no further than the delightful combination of cinnamon, thyme, roasted garlic, and olive oil.

This aromatic blend not only enhances the taste of your meals but also offers a host of health benefits. Roasted garlic is known for its sweet and nutty flavour, while cinnamon and thyme add a warm and earthy touch. Together, they create a harmonious symphony of flavours that will elevate your culinary creations to new heights.

oil with rosemary table

In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps of roasting garlic to perfection and provide you with creative ideas on how to incorporate this delectable ingredient into your favourite dishes. Additionally, we will share valuable tips and tricks for cooking with olive oil, ensuring that you achieve the perfect balance of taste and nutrition.

Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure with cinnamon thyme roasted garlic with olive oil!

The Benefits of Roasted Garlic

Roasted garlic not only enhances the flavour of dishes, but it also adds a warm, aromatic touch that’ll make your taste buds dance with delight.

The process of roasting garlic transforms its sharp and pungent taste into a mellow and sweet flavour.

This versatile ingredient can be used in various recipes, from pasta sauces to soups, spreads, and even salad dressings.

Besides its delectable taste, roasted garlic offers numerous health benefits.

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It’s known to boost immunity, thanks to its high content of antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals in the body.

Additionally, roasted garlic is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, promoting heart health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

So, next time you’re cooking, don’t forget to add some cinnamon thyme roasted garlic with olive oil to elevate your dishes and enjoy its flavorful and healthful advantages.

Enhancing Flavors with Cinnamon and Thyme

Infuse your dish with a burst of warmth and depth by adding the fragrant duo of cinnamon and thyme to your garlic and olive oil mixture. These two ingredients not only enhance the flavours but also add a unique twist to your roasted garlic.

Cinnamon brings a sweet and slightly spicy note, while thyme adds an earthy and herby aroma. Together, they create a harmonious blend that will tantalize your taste buds.

When combined with the roasted garlic and olive oil, cinnamon and thyme create a rich and complex flavour profile. The warm undertones of cinnamon complement the sweetness of roasted garlic, while thyme adds a fresh and aromatic element.

This combination elevates the taste of any dish, be it roasted vegetables, meats, or even a simple spread for bread.

plate with incense plant with leaves

So, next time you prepare your cinnamon thyme roasted garlic with olive oil, embrace the warmth and depth that these two ingredients bring. Your taste buds will thank you for the explosion of flavours that will take your dish to a whole new level.

Step-by-Step Guide to Roasting Garlic

To start the process, gather all the necessary ingredients and preheat your oven to the desired temperature.

First, take a whole garlic bulb and cut off the top to expose the cloves. Place the garlic on a sheet of aluminium foil and drizzle it with olive oil. Sprinkle cinnamon and thyme over the garlic, ensuring that it’s evenly coated.

Now, wrap the garlic tightly in the foil, creating a packet to seal in the flavours. Place the packet on a baking sheet and roast it in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes, or until the cloves are soft and golden brown.

Once roasted, remove the garlic from the oven and let it cool slightly before unwrapping. The roasted garlic can now be easily squeezed out of the cloves and used to enhance the flavours of your dishes.

Creative Ways to Use Cinnamon Thyme Roasted Garlic

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with the incredible flavours of cinnamon thyme roasted garlic as you discover creative ways to incorporate this aromatic ingredient into your favourite dishes.

Whether you’re a fan of pasta, roasted vegetables, or even sandwiches, cinnamon thyme roasted garlic can take your recipes to the next level.

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Imagine adding a few cloves of this delicious garlic to your pasta sauce, giving it a subtle hint of warmth and depth. Or, spread it on a slice of crusty bread before making a mouthwatering sandwich. The cinnamon and thyme flavours will mingle with the roasted garlic, creating a savoury and aromatic experience.

Not only can you use cinnamon thyme roasted garlic in savoury dishes, but it also pairs beautifully with sweet flavors. Add it to your homemade apple pie filling for a unique twist, or mix it into a sweet and tangy barbecue sauce for grilled chicken.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to incorporating cinnamon thyme roasted garlic into your culinary creations. So go ahead, get creative, and enjoy the incredible flavours that this roasted garlic brings to your dishes.

Tips and Tricks for Cooking with Olive Oil

Enhance your culinary skills by incorporating the rich and flavorful essence of olive oil into your cooking techniques. Olive oil isn’t just a versatile ingredient, but it also adds a distinct taste to your dishes.

When cooking with olive oil, it’s important to choose the right type. Extra virgin olive oil is best for dressings and drizzling over finished dishes, while regular olive oil is great for sautéing and frying.

To maximize the flavor, heat the oil over medium heat and avoid overheating, as it can cause it to lose its taste and nutritional benefits.

Remember to store your olive oil in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness.

So, whether you’re roasting vegetables, marinating meats, or tossing a salad, olive oil is the perfect ingredient to elevate your cooking to a whole new level.

close up shot top view olive oil surrounded by cooking ingredients


close up shot top view olive oil surrounded by cooking ingredients


This aromatic blend not only enhances the taste of your meals but also offers a host of health benefits. Roasted garlic is known for its sweet and nutty flavor, while cinnamon and thyme add a warm and earthy touch. Together, they create a harmonious symphony of flavors that will elevate your culinary creations to new heights.
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1 or 2 whole heads of garlic
  • 2-3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1-2 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


  • Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  • Prepare the Garlic: While the oven is heating, take a whole head of garlic and cut off the top quarter to expose the cloves. You want to leave the cloves attached to the root end.
  • Season the Garlic: Place the garlic head on a piece of aluminum foil large enough to wrap it up. Drizzle the olive oil over the exposed cloves. Sprinkle the dried thyme, ground cinnamon, salt, and black pepper over the garlic.
  • Wrap and Roast: Wrap the garlic tightly in the aluminum foil, making a sealed packet. Place the packet on a baking sheet or oven-safe dish and put it in the preheated oven.
  • Roast: Roast the garlic in the oven for about 40-45 minutes, or until the cloves are soft and golden brown. The exact time may vary depending on your oven, so keep an eye on it after 30 minutes.
  • Cool: Once the garlic is roasted, remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes. Be careful when opening the foil packet, as there may be hot steam.

Serve: You can serve the cinnamon thyme roasted garlic with olive oil in a few different ways:

  • Squeeze the roasted garlic cloves out of their skins and mash them into a paste. You can spread this on bread or use it as a dip for vegetables.
  • Use the roasted garlic and olive oil as a flavorful drizzle for grilled meats or vegetables.
  • Add the roasted garlic to sauces, soups, or salad dressings for extra depth of flavor.



How long does roasted garlic stay fresh once it’s been prepared?

Roasted garlic typically stays fresh for about 2 weeks when stored properly. However, it may lose some of its flavour over time. Make sure to keep it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Can I use dried thyme and cinnamon instead of fresh for this recipe?

Yes, you can use dried thyme and cinnamon instead of fresh for this recipe. It will still add the desired flavors to the roasted garlic.

Is there a specific type of olive oil that works best for roasting garlic?

For roasting garlic, you can use any type of olive oil that you prefer. Extra virgin olive oil is a popular choice for its rich flavour, but any olive oil will work well. Just use what you have on hand.

garlic infused olive with olives parsley leaves white background


Can I freeze the cinnamon thyme roasted garlic for later use?

Yes, you can freeze the roasted garlic for later use. It’s a convenient way to have it on hand whenever you need it. Just make sure to store it properly in an airtight container.

Are there any health benefits associated with consuming cinnamon thyme roasted garlic?

Consuming cinnamon thyme roasted garlic has potential health benefits. It can boost your immune system, improve heart health, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Enjoy it as a tasty addition to your diet.


In conclusion, you should definitely give cinnamon thyme roasted garlic with olive oil a try. It not only offers numerous health benefits, but it also enhances the flavors of your dishes.

With a simple step-by-step guide, you can easily roast garlic at home and enjoy its rich and aromatic taste. Plus, there are plenty of creative ways to incorporate this delicious ingredient into your meals. So don’t hesitate to experiment and discover new flavors with cinnamon thyme roasted garlic.

Happy cooking!

192 posts

About author
Meet Sue Perera, the culinary aficionado behind our captivating recipe hub. An imaginative and talented young woman, Sue has an unwavering passion for all things food – especially those aromatic wonders, cinnamon and thyme. Her deep-seated love for these two unique spices inspired the birth of this website, but don't be fooled – her culinary repertoire extends far beyond these two ingredients.
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