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Seedless Gooseberry Jam With Thyme

You've stumbled upon a unique blend of tangy gooseberries and aromatic thyme. With our step-by-step guide, you'll be whipping up your own batch of seedless gooseberry jam with thyme. It's a simple, rewarding process, and we'll even throw in some serving suggestions. Don't worry about leftovers, we've got you covered on how to store your homemade jam too. So, are you ready to elevate your breakfast spread? Let's get jamming!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 800 g gooseberries
  • 650 g granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves


  • Pour the gooseberries into a large preserving pan with 200ml water. Turn onto a gentle heat and cook the gooseberries until they start to go a bit pulpy.
  • Sieve the gooseberry pulp and discard the skin and stem bits.
  • Clean out the preserving pan and place the gooseberry pulp back in with the granulated sugar and the thyme leaves.
  • Bring to a rolling boil, making sure to stir the bottom of the pan frequently so the fruit doesn’t stick. It should take 5-10 minutes from then to reach setting point.
  • Once the jam reaches 104°C or passes the saucer wrinkle test* then decant into sterilised jars*.


The saucer wrinkle test basically requires you to put about 5 saucers in your freezer when you begin making your jam. Once you think the jam might be ready then you can double check by removing a saucer from the freezer, dropping a teaspoon of jam on it then placing the saucer in the fridge. After about 30 seconds remove the saucer and push the jam with your finger. If it wrinkles up it’s ready, if it just pools back into the space your finger has left then it needs more bubbling time. Boil it a bit longer, then test again with another saucer.
*To sterilise the jars place the very clean jars you would like to use in an oven pre-heated to 140°C for 20 minutes. Sterilise the lids by dropping them into a saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes with a splash of vinegar. I don’t sterilise my lids in the oven as they tend to ruin.
Yield 5 200g jars